SSC CGL 2022 Exam, Notification, Admit Card, syllabus, eligibility, and exam pattern

ssc cgl exam

SSC CGL 2022 Exam and Notification

SSC CGL Exam is held by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit personnel for various roles in departments of government.

About SSC CGL exam

  • The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts a national-level exam to select candidates for Group-B and Group-C posts in several ministries of the Indian government.
  • The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts a national-level exam to select candidates for Group-B and Group-C positions in several ministries of the Indian government. Every year, over 30 lakh people apply for SSC CGL, with approximately 15 lakh candidates taking the exam.

SSC CGL Notification

On December 23, the SSC CGL 2021 notification was released.

The official reference point for the number of openings, dates, eligibility, dates, curriculum, and exam pattern is the notification.

The number of openings was not disclosed in the official announcement. Later, SSC will release them independently.

The details listed in the announcement will control the exam selection procedure.

The candidates must read and comprehend the notification’s criteria and rules.

The candidate must first comprehend the eligibility requirements before proceeding to fill out the online application.

CGL Exam Dates

On March 9, the SSC CGL 2021-22 exam dates were announced.

The SSC CGL Tier-I examination will begin on April 9 and end on April 21.

The tier-I test will be administered in several shifts as a Computer-Based Test (CBT) at the scheduled exam centers.

Within ten days of the exam, the commission will issue a tentative answer key as well as the applicants’ replies sheet.

CGL Vacancies

The official notification for SSC CGL vacancies 2021-22 will be released.

The SSC CGL post-by-post vacancies will be announced later.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) publishes a tentative vacancy list that is subject to change.

The number of openings usually grows as the exam process progresses.

The positions are listed in the vacancy list by post and category.

CGL Eligibility 

Candidates must review the eligibility conditions before applying for the SSC CGL Exam. The eligibility criteria for the SSC CGL are explained here.

The age limit for various SSC CGL posts varies. For the most part, the minimum needed age is 18 years, while the highest required age ranges from 27 to 32 years.

A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university is required of all applicants. Candidates must have chosen Mathematics, Statistics, or Economics as an elective or mandatory course.

SSC CGL Application Process

For further information, go to, the official website of the Staff Selection Commission.

There is a link on the webpage that reads “apply online.”

Before you start filling out the application form, make sure you read all of the instructions.

After filling out the required information in the form, upload your most current scanned images along with your signature.

After you’ve filled out the application form completely, pay the application fees and submit it.

A hard copy of the completed SSC CGL application form must be kept for future reference.

CGL Exam Pattern

The Staff Selection Commission of India conducts the SSC CGL Exam in four stages. These stages are Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3, and Tier-4. Tier-1 and Tier-2 exams are conducted in the online mode, Tier-3 is conducted in a written mode (pen and paper mode) and Tier-4 is a computer-based test. Below, a detailed pattern for the SSC CGL exam is given. 

      Tier     Exam Type      Mode
Tier 1Objective Type QuestionsCBT (online)
Tier 2Objective Type QuestionsCBT (online)
Tier 3Descriptive paperPen and Paper Mode
Tier 4Computer Proficiency TestWherever Applicable

Tier 1 Exam Pattern

TopicsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime
General Intelligence and Reasoning2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude255060 minutes. (80 minutes for physically handicapped students)
English Comprehension2550

Note: Against every wrong answer, 0.5 marks are deducted. 

Tier 2 Exam Pattern

TopicsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime
Quantitive Aptitude100200
English Language and Comprehension200200120 minutes. (160 minutes for physically handicapped people)
General Studies100200

Note: Against every wrong answer, 0.5/0.25 marks are deducted.

Tier 3 Exam Pattern

Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (Essay writing, Letter, Application, etc.)


60 minutes (80 minutes for PWD Category)

Note: Candidates need to score 33% marks in order to qualify for the Descriptive paper. 

Tier 4 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Tier 4 is conducted in four steps:

  1. DEST (Skill Test in Data Entry)
  2. CPT (Computer Proficiency Test )

DEST- students need to type a maximum of 2000 words in around 15 minutes. This test is conducted to test the typing skills of a candidate. Candidates are required to type out a given article. 

CPT- This test is conducted to check the proficiency of a candidate in stuff like Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Slides Generation. 

Note:- Tier-4 of SSC CGL can be easily qualified and thus, no marks will be rewarded for this. 

SSC CGL Syllabus

The SSC CGL Exam pattern has been already given above, but the first step to preparing for the exam is knowing the syllabus. 

The syllabus for all the four tiers of paper along with each topic has been given in a detailed way below.

Tier 1 Syllabus

  1. Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude
Computation of Whole NumbersDecimals
Relationships between numbersFractions
Profit and LossDiscount
Partnership BusinessMixture and Alligation
Time and DistanceTime and Work
PercentageRatio and Proportion
Square RootsAverages
Linear EquationsInterest
Basic Algebraic IdentitiesTriangles and various types of centers
Circle and its chordsCongruence
Right PrismRegular Polygons
Right Circular ConeRight Circular Cylinder
SphereHeights and Distances
HistogramTrigonometric Ratio
Frequency PolygonDegree and Radian Measures
Bar Diagram and Pie ChartStandard Identities 
HemispheresComplementary Angles
Rectangular ParallelepipedRegular Right Pyramid
  1. Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning
Similarities and DifferencesObservation
Space visualizationRelationship Concepts
Spatial OrientationArithmetical Reasoning
Problem SolvingFigural Classification
AnalysisArithmetic Number Series
JudgmentNon Verbal series
Blood RelationsCoding and Decoding
Decision MakingStatement conclusion
Visual MemorySyllogistic Reasoning
  1. Syllabus for English Language
Phrases and IdiomsOne Word SubstitutionSentence Correction
Error SpottingReading ComprehensionSentence Rearrangement
Fill in the blanksSynonyms and AntonymsSentence Improvement
Spelling CorrectionActive PassiveCloze Test
  1. Syllabus for General Awareness
India and Neighbouring countriesScienceCurrent Affairs
PortfolioImportant schemesBooks and Authors
People in NewsImportant DaysSports

Tier 2 Syllabus

  1. Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude
Computation of whole numbersDiscountTriangle
DecimalsPartnership BusinessQuadrilaterals
FractionsMixture and AlligationRegular Polygons
Relationship between numbersTime and DistanceRight Prism
PercentageTime and WorkRight Circular Cone
Ratio and ProportionBasic Algebraic identitiesRight Circular Cylinder
Square RootsLinear EquationsSphere
AveragesTriangles and various kinds of centersHemispheres
InterestCongruenceRectangular Parallelepiped
Profit and LossCircle and its chordsRegular Right Pyramid
Standard IdentitiesDegree and Radian measuresTrigonometric Ratio
Complementary anglesHistogramBar Diagram
Heights and DistancesFrequency PolygonPie Chart
  1. Syllabus for English language and comprehension
Spot the errorImprovement of sentences
Fill in the blanksActive and Passive voice
SynonymsDirect and indirect narration
AntonymsShuffling of sentences parts
SpellingsShuffling of sentences in a passage
Idioms and PhrasesCloze passage
One word substitutionComprehension Passage
  1. Syllabus for Statistics
Collection, Classification, and Presentation of Statistical DataRandom Variable and Probability Distributions
Measures of Central TendencySampling Theory 
Measures of DispersionStatistical Inference
Moments, Skewness, and KurtosisAnalysis of Variance
Correlation and RegressionTime Series Analysis 
Probability Theory Index Numbers
  1. Syllabus for General Studies

Part A: 

Financial Accounting:

Nature and scopeBasic concepts and Conventions
Limitations of Financial AccountingGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles

Basic Concepts of Accounting:

Single and Double EntryManufacturingValuation of Inventories
Books of Original EntryTradingNon-Profit organization accounts
Banks ReconciliationProfit and Loss Appropriation AccountsReceipts, Payments, Income and Expenditure Accounts
JournalBalance sheetsBills of Exchange
Trial BalanceThe distinction between Revenue and CapitalSelf-balancing ledgers
Rectification of errorsDepreciation Accounting—————————–

Part B:

  1. Basic Concepts of Economics
Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role, and responsibilityFinance Commission-Role and functions
  1. Theory of Demand and Supply
DefinitionScope and nature of economicsMethods of economic studyCentral problems of an economyProduction possibility cuves
  1. Theory of Production and Cost
Meaning and determinants of demandLaw and elasticity of demandPrice
Theory of consumers behaviorIncome and cross elasticityLaw of supply
Marshallian approachMeaning and determinants of supplyElasticity of supply
  1. Forms of market
Various forms of markets-Perfect CompetitionMonopolyMonopolistic CompetitionOligopolyPrice determination in these markets.
  1. Indian Economy
Nature of the Indian Economy Role of different sectors, Role of Agriculture, Industry and Services-their problems and growth.National Income of India-Concepts of national income, Different methods of measuring national income.Population-Its size, rate of growth, and its implication on economic growth.Poverty and unemployment- Absolute and relative poverty, types, causes, and incidence of unemployment.Infrastructure-Energy, Transportation, Communication.
  1. Economic Reforms in India
Economic reforms since 1991LiberalizationPrivatizationGlobalizationDisinvestment
  1. Money and Banking
Monetary/ Fiscal policy- Role and functions of Reserve Bank of IndiaBudget and Fiscal deficits and Balance of payments.Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.

Tier 3 Syllabus

The syllabus for Tier 3 of the SSC CGL Exam includes a descriptive length paper, in pen and paper mode in English or Hindi language to assess the writing skills of students. Students are asked to write an essay or application for a 100 marks paper.

Tier 4 Syllabus

Tier 4 exam is conducted in two steps:

DEST-  Students need to type a maximum of 2000 words in around 15 minutes. This test is conducted to test the typing skills of a candidate. Candidates are required to type out a given article. 

CPT- This test is conducted to check the proficiency of a candidate in stuff like Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Slides Generation.

SSC CGL 2022 Exam Dates

The official update for SSC CGL Exam dates has been released on 9th March with the exam calendar as well. The Tier 1 online exam will be conducted between 11th April to 21st April 2022. In the table below, the details of the exam schedule have been provided.

SSC CGL Tier 1 2022 Exam Dates

SSC CGL Exam ScheduleImportant Dates
SSC CGL 2022 Online Application Opening DateDecember 23, 2021
SSC CGL 2022 Online Application Closing DateJanuary 23, 2022
Last date for receipt of online applicationsJanuary 23, 2022 (11:30 pm)
Last date for making an online fee paymentJanuary 25, 2022 (11:30 pm)
Last date for the generation of offline ChallanJanuary 26, 2022 (11:30 pm)
Last date for payment through ChallanJanuary 27, 2022 (during bank working hours)
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online paymentJanuary 28 to February 1, 2022 (11:30 PM)
SSC CGL 2022 Tier-1 ExamApril 11 to 21, 2022
Dates of Tier-II and Tier-III examNot yet released

CGL Admit Card

The CGL Admit Card 2022 will be available a month before the exam. The candidates who are appearing in the Tier 1 examination can download their SSC CGL Admit Card 2022 from the official website of the Staff Selection Commission. If you are facing any problems in downloading your CGL Admit Card, you can contact us through the comment box given below.

To download your SSC CGL Admit Card, follow the steps given below:

You can also check your status for appearing in CGL Tier 1 Examination. Click here to check it now.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission.

Step 2: Click on the link provided for downloading the admit card for appearing in CGL Tier 1 Exam 2022 on the home page of the official website of the Staff Selection Commission.

Step 3: Now a new page will open where you have to enter your registration id and password/date of birth in order to login into your account and download your SSC Admit Card for the tier 1 exam.

Step 4: After downloading the admit card, take a printout of it and carry it with you while going for examination along with other required documents as mentioned on your admit card.

As per the latest information provided by the official website of the Staff Selection Commission, a total of 25,40,285 candidates have applied for SSC CGL 2021 out of which 19,98,415 (79%) are male applicants and 5,41,870 (21) are female applicants.

CGL Exam Centers

The Combined Graduate Level Examination, often referred to as SSC CGL is an examination conducted to recruit staff to various posts in ministries, departments, and organizations of the Government of India. It is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for selecting staff for various Group B and Group C posts. The exam is conducted once a year, usually in the months of May–June.

DehradunDelhi (NCR)
DharwadDispur (Guwahati)
Jorhat Kohima
AgartalaPort Blair

SSC CGL Results

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has declared the result of the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam, Tier-I 2021. The result is available on the official website of the commission.

A total of 86,000 candidates have been shortlisted for the Tier-II exam of SSC CGL 2017. The Tier-II exam will be conducted from February 17 to 22, 2021 and all the candidates who have qualified for this tier are requested to fill out the application forms for appearing in the same.

The qualifying marks for UR, OBC, and SC/ST candidates have been released at 46.50, 43.00, and 31.75 percent respectively. A total of 1,51,793 candidates have qualified for Tier-II examination in Paper I and Paper II only as well as Paper I, II, and Paper-IV (General Studies Finance and Accounts). The result has been prepared on the basis of the cut-off fixed by the commission in the Tier-I examination. For any further queries or doubts, you can check out the official website of SSC.

SSC CGL Cut-off

SSC CGL Cut off marks are the minimum marks required by the candidates to clear each stage of the examination. The Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) is conducted by SSC to recruit candidates in various Departments and Ministries. The exam is conducted in four tiers over a period of six months. The applicants who successfully qualify in all the stages will be recruited as Grade B and Grade C officers in the Government Organizations.

Below is the cut-off of session 2019-20

CategoryCut-off Marks

SSC CGL 2022 Marking Scheme

The Staff Selection Commission conducts Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam each year to recruit candidates in various government departments and ministries. SSC CGL is a national-level exam that comprises four Tiers namely Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV. The SSC CGL 2022 recruitment process is expected to begin from October 2022. Candidates are advised to check the official notification for a complete schedule of the SSC CGL Exam. The SSC CGL Marking Scheme for each tier is different. The detailed SSC CGL marking scheme for all the tiers is mentioned below:

SSC CGL Marking Scheme – Tier I

Section Marks

General Intelligence & Reasoning 25

General Awareness 25

Quantitative Aptitude 25

English Comprehension 25

Each correct answer will be awarded +2 marks.

Each incorrect answer will lead to -1/4th marks being deducted.

Unanswered questions will not carry any marks.

Selection Process

The SSC Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV examinations will be conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC). There are a total of posts that are lying vacant for the candidates to apply. The vacancies notified in this exam will also include the ones from the previous year’s recruitment process.  The candidates who qualify Tier I are called for Tier II, and Tier III and Tier IV are only for some posts. The exam consists of the following stages:

Tier I: This will be CBT (Computer Based Test) of 200 marks. The candidates who qualify for Tier I will be called for the Tier-II exam.

Tier II: This will be a descriptive paper of 300 marks and it will comprise of English language and comprehension, Statistics, Economics and Finance, and Governance. Candidates qualifying for Tier II will be called for the Tier III exam.

Tier III: This test is completely descriptive in nature and carries 100 marks. Candidates qualifying Tier III exam will have to appear for Document Verification (DV).

Tier IV: This is the skill test (data entry speed test of 8,000 key depressions per hour)

Note: Candidates must qualify for each of the Tiers i.e. candidates will have to appear in all the Tiers of Computer Based Examination. If a candidate qualifies Tier-I examination, he/she will be permitted to appear for the Tier-II examination. Further, if a candidate qualifies Tier-II examination, he/she will be considered for appearing in the Tier-III examination and those who qualify Tier-III exam will be called for the Skill Test (Tier-IV)

Salary & Benefits

You will receive a base salary of INR 600000 per annum. This amount is exclusive of all applicable taxes. This amount has been calculated based on your current skills and experience to match market rates. You will also be eligible for bonus payments on the basis of a performance review by your manager, subject to the terms and conditions applicable. Details of the bonus policy have been provided below.

In addition to this, you will receive an initial joining bonus of INR 2000 on completion of the probation period and signing the Bond Agreement.

For Sub-Inspectors (Central Bureau of Investigation): Rs.9300 – 34800/- with Grade pay of Rs. 4200/-

For Divisional Accountants: Rs.9300 – 34800/- with Grade pay of Rs. 4200/-

For Statistical Inspectors: Rs.9300 – 34800/- with Grade pay of Rs. 4200/-

For Auditors: Rs. 5200 – 20200/- with Grade pay of Rs. 2800/-

For Upper Division Clerks: Rs. 5200 – 20200/- with Grade pay of Rs. 2400/-

For Tax Assistants: Rs. 5200 – 20200/- with Grade pay of Rs. 2400/-

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) is a social security organization, which provides medical care facilities to employees and their family members in the event of sickness, maternity, disablement, or death due to employment injury, resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity fully or partially.

SSC CGL 2022 Salary Structure

The pay scale for SSC CGL 2022 ranges from Rs 25,500 to Rs 1,51,100, according to the compensation chart.

Employees will receive additional benefits and allowances in addition to the SSC CGL pay 2022, such as housing rent allowance (HRA), travel allowances (TA), dearness allowances (DA), and others.

In the case of SSC CGL HRA, the city of posting of the recruited applicant is taken into account, although this is not the case for DA and TA.

CGL Jobs Benefits

SSC CGL is one of India’s most sought-after jobs. The reason for this is not only the money but also the other benefits that come with it.

Gratuity benefit: This is a reward made by your employer in appreciation of the government service you provided. It’s a great way to save after you retire.

Benefits of the National Pension System: When you join the government, you will be automatically enrolled in the NPS scheme and granted a PRAN Card. Under this program, a portion of your pay is withdrawn for NPS contributions, with your employer matching the amount.

 The entire sum is invested in the stock market, and the profit is credited to your NPS account. 

Salary is excellent: Although this is not an express benefit, given the work pressure and job profile, the salary is excellent, especially when compared to other industries.

Medical facilities: Once you join the government, your medical bills will be taken care of in a large way. You will become a member of the Central Government Health Scheme, which will allow you to receive free care at most of the country’s top hospitals.


For those who seek a comfortable life with employment security and moderate stress, the SSC CGL exam is an excellent possibility. So take the plunge and make the most of it.


How much money can one expect to earn after passing the SSC CGL exam?

Ans: A candidate’s SSC CGL pay is determined by the role for which he or she is shortlisted. The candidates’ gross compensation ranges between INR 25,500 and INR 1,51,100.

Which SSC CGL exams does the department administer for which positions?

SSC CGL tests are used to appoint applicants to various Group-B and -C posts within the Government of India’s ministries, departments, and organizations.

Every year, how many SSC CGL positions are announced?

Ans. Each year, the overall number of SSC CGL vacancies varies. The SSC CGL vacancies for 2022 have not yet been announced, but they will be soon.

 Can you clarify some of the various types of stipends granted to employees?

Ans. Candidates who pass the SSC CGL exam are eligible for additional benefits such as House Rent Allowance (HRA), Travel Allowance (TA), and Dearness Allowance (DA).

What is the SSC CGL qualification?

A graduate from a recognized university is required to apply for the SSC CGL Exam. Candidates must also have taken Economics/Statistics/Mathematics as a compulsory or elective course in high school.

Which is the highest job in SSC CGL?

Assistant to the Chief Auditor

The highest-paid job in SSC CGL 2022 is Assistant Audit Officer (AAO).

Is Tattoo allowed in SSC CGL?

Yes. Tattoos are allowed and not considered unfit for appearing in SSC CGL Exam but there are certain conditions to be met-

  1. The tattoo must contain some religious figure or symbol or name.
  2. Left forearm, limbs, or the dorsum of hands where the tattoos should be located.
  3. The size of the tattoo should be bout 1/4th of the body part (eg: hand/elbow) it is located at.

Is PET compulsory for SSC CGL?

PET is mandatory to be qualified for some of the posts of the SSC CGL Exam. These posts include Central Excise Inspector, Examiner, Preventive Officer, SI in CBI, SI in NIA, BRO, etc.

Do railway jobs allow tattoos?

Yes. Railway jobs don’t care much about having tattoos as they don’t hold a physical test.

What is the full form of SSC?

The full form of SSC is Staff Selection Commission.

Is tattoo allowed in IAS?

Yes. It is permissible to have a tattoo but make sure to not have a tattoo on visible parts of the body like the face, finger, forearm, and others.

How many posts are there in SSC?

SSC offers around 34 posts through the SSC Exam.

How can I study for SSC exam?

  1. Prepare a strategy that works for you. For this, you need to first understand the exam pattern and it can be done by collecting and going through the previous year’s question papers.
  2. Collect study materials. Sample papers. Question papers and based on that, note down which are the most asked topics.
  3. Make a timetable and stick to it.
  4. Make short notes and revise it every day.
  5. Take mock tests and identify your weak areas. Once done, work on them.
  6. Do not take the stress. Take care of your health and sleep and eat on time and prepare well.

What is the highest post in SSC?

Assistant Audit Officer is the highest post offered by SSC.

Other than that, the other top posts include Assistant Accounts Officer, Income Tax Officer, Central Excise Officer, Sub Inspector in CBI, and Divisional Accountant.

Is SSC CGL good for females?

Yes. SSC CGL Exams are as good for women candidates as men.

What is the highest-paid job in SSC?

Assistant Audit Officer is the highest-paid job in SSC.

Can a girl become income tax officer?

Yes. A girl can become an income tax officer. Anyone, either male or female can crack SSC CGL with the right amount of preparation.

Can we clear SSC CGL first attempt?

Yes. You can clear SSC CGL in the first attempt with the right direction, motivation, and preparation.

Is an Income Tax Officer job risky?

As the job of Income Tax Officer is a job of high responsibility, it does involve a certain amount of risk. But, it is also one of the most powerful positions to be in.

Which post is best in SSC CGL for female?

All the posts for SSC CGL can be taken up by female candidates, though many prefer that jobs as Assistants in IB, CSS, or Railways or other departments are ideal for women candidates for their fixed time schedule and safety measures.

Is Tier 4 compulsory for income tax inspectors?

No. Tier 3 and 4 are not applicable for the job posts of Income-tax Inspector posts.

What happens if I clear SSC CGL?

Depending upon your ranks and preferences, you will be allocated to any one of the 34 departments/job posts in SSC. 

How many exam are there in SSC CGL?

SSC CGL conducts exams in 4 stages/tiers. Tier 1 and 2 exams are conducted in online mode, Tier 3 in pen and paper descriptive mode, and Tier 4 in CBT mode.

1 thought on “SSC CGL 2022 Exam, Notification, Admit Card, syllabus, eligibility, and exam pattern”

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