Types of Parenting and Parenting Styles


Types of Parenting

Everything from your types of parenting child’s weight to her self-esteem is influenced by your parenting style.

Because how you engage with your child and how you discipline her will have a long-term impact on her, it’s vital to ensure that your parenting style promotes healthy growth and development.

Researchers have identified four distinct types of parenting:

  • Authoritarian
  • Authoritative
  • Permissive
  • Uninvolved


Types of parenting

Authoritarian parenting (types of parenting):

Do any of these remarks strike a chord with you in types of parenting?

  • You feel that children should be seen rather than heard.
  • You are unconcerned with your child’s sentiments.

If any of these statements apply to you in types of parenting, you may be a dictatorial parent. Children should constantly follow the rules, according to authoritarian parents.

When a child questions why a rule exists, authoritarian parents are known to respond, “Because I said so.” They don’t want to negotiate and are only concerned with following commands.

Instead, they make the rules and execute the consequences without regard for the children’s opinions.

Instead of discipline, authoritarian parents may use punishments. Rather than teaching a youngster how to make better decisions, they focus their time on making children feel terrible for their errors.

Children who grow up with stern authoritarian parents are more likely to follow rules. Their obedience, on the other hand, comes at a price.

Children of authoritarian parents are more prone to have self-esteem issues because their perspectives aren’t valued.

Rather than thinking about how to improve their situation in the future, children frequently focus on their fury toward their parents. 

Because authoritarian parents are frequently severe, their children may develop a habit of lying in order to avoid punishment.

Authoritative parenting (types of parenting):

Do any of these remarks strike a chord with you in types of parenting?

  • You’ve worked hard to establish and maintain a good relationship with your child.
  • You explain why your rules are in place.
  • You impose rules and impose penalties, but you also consider your child’s feelings.

If those statements of types of parenting ring true for you in types of parenting, you may be a controlling parent. Authoritative parents establish and enforce rules, but they also take into account their children’s perspectives.

They acknowledge their children’s sentiments while also emphasizing that the adults are in charge.

Authoritative parents devote time and effort to preventing behavioral issues before they arise.

They also employ positive discipline techniques such as praise to reward positive behavior.

According to research on parenting tips, children raised by authoritative parents are more likely to grow up to be responsible adults who are comfortable expressing their opinions.

Children who are reared in a rigorous authority environment are more likely to be successful and happy. They’re also better at making independent judgments and assessing dangers to their safety.

Permissive parenting:

Do any of these remarks strike a chord with you?

  • You make rules, but you rarely follow them.
  • You don’t hand out punishments all that often.
  • You believe that your child will learn best if you stay out of his or her way.

If you recognize yourself in those types of parenting phrases, you may be a lenient parent in types of parenting. Parents who are permissive are forgiving. They usually only get involved when a serious issue arises.

They’re quite forgiving and believe that “kids will be kids.” When they do utilize consequences, it’s possible that they won’t keep to them. 

They may refund privileges or enable a child to exit time-out early if he promises to be good if a child asks.

Parents who are permissive are more likely to act as a friend than a parent.

They frequently urge their children to discuss their issues with them, but they rarely make an attempt to discourage poor choices or bad behavior.

Parents who are indulgent are more likely to produce children who are academically challenged.

They may have greater behavioral issues since they dislike authority and standards. They frequently suffer from low self-esteem.

Because they struggle to control their children’s junk food intake, permissive parents are more likely to have health issues such as obesity.

 They’re much more likely to get cavities since lax parents don’t always enforce positive behaviors, such as making sure their children brush their teeth.

Parenting Without Involvement

Do any of these statements resonate with you?

  • You don’t inquire about school or homework with your child.
  • You rarely have any idea where your child is or with whom she is.
  • You don’t devote a lot of time to your child.

If those phrases ring true for you, you may be a non-involved parent. The activities of their children are frequently unknown to parents who are uninvolved.

There aren’t many rules. It’s possible that youngsters don’t receive enough guidance, love, or parental attention.

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Uninvolved parents expect their children to raise themselves. They do not devote much time or effort to ensuring that children’s basic needs are met.

Parents that are absent from their children’s lives may be neglectful, although this isn’t necessarily on purpose.

Other times, uninvolved parents are unaware of their children’s development. Other difficulties, such as employment, money, and household management, can also cause someone to become overburdened.

In school, youngsters have a bad track record. They also have a lot of behavioral issues and aren’t very happy.

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