Set Performance Goals to Unleash Your Potential

Performance Goals

We’ve all had goals that we set, only to be discouraged when we don’t achieve them. In many cases, this happens because the goals were not aligned with our core values and our purpose as humans on Earth. In other cases, we were just unwilling to do what it took to accomplish our goals. The key to reaching your goals, in any aspect of life, is to establish performance goals instead of achievement-based ones that rely on factors outside of your control such as luck or the actions of others. Here are some ideas on how you can create performance goals that will help you reach your full potential.

Master the Art of Setting SMART Goals

First, you need to define your goals. Think about the result. What are you ultimately aiming for? The next step is coming up with a goal-specific plan of action. You should come up with an idea of what steps will be taken and how long it will take to achieve the result. The results must be measurable so they can be assessed as well as see how much you have progressed towards them. A key component is to make sure the goals are realistic so they can be achieved. 

The last point when setting SMART performance goals is reviewing them regularly to see if anything needs changing or if any adjustments need to be made. A good way of doing this is to go over the list every week and write down any thoughts or ideas that may come up while reading through the list again.

Write Down Your Objectives

Launch a project and get feedback from stakeholders. 

Know your key metrics and use them to make decisions. 

Identify the start of success with 3 small steps each day. -Create daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. 

Break down your goal into tasks that you can complete in a week or less. 

Keep track of what you do every day so you can work on areas where improvement is needed. -Review your progress at least once a month to stay motivated. 

Give yourself time to reflect after completing a task and think about how it went. Did you reach your goal? 

Did something unexpected happen? Reflecting will help guide future projects.

Visualize Success

Performance goals are usually goals you’ve set for yourself that reflect how well you want to perform. If a salesperson wants to make $1,000,000 in annual sales revenue, that is their performance goal. They could also set other goals that would help them achieve their performance goal, such as doubling the number of prospects they call on every week or launching a new ad campaign. The bigger and more challenging the goal is for them the better. It will give them a much larger target to aim at and will motivate them to take action. We recommend setting SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. For example, I will spend 15 minutes per day studying French grammar instead of I will study more this year.

Make a Checklist for Each Goal

it’s important to have goals and objectives in the first place. If you want to get better at your job, for example, then a goal could be to increase sales by 10% this year. An objective would be to increase customer engagement by 10% this year. The main thing is that you need to write down the performance goals and set them. You can’t achieve anything if you don’t know what it is!

 I can tell you from experience – goals are achievable if they’re written down and recorded. Once I’ve completed an action item, I cross it off my list so I know when I’m done with all of my tasks. It’s really rewarding to see things checked off as well as know that I accomplished something on my list. It’s good to keep track of both positive and negative feedback because sometimes it takes time before the benefits of our actions become apparent. Another key point is knowing how long each task will take before starting work on it; this way, we won’t end up doing three hours’ worth of work in 45 minutes because we overestimated how long things would take us.

Share your goals with others

It becomes easy for you to get onto the goals if you share it with people in your surrounding and one of the format is give below:

My goal is ____. I also want to ____ and ____. I hope that by the end of next month, I will have accomplished ___. By the 1st of the next month, I want to achieve ___. In addition, by the end of this year, I want to complete ___. If you are someone who has goals as well and would like me to help you reach them please feel free to email me at _@_ with your goals.

Use If and Then Statements in Every Goal

1. If I want to improve my relationships, then I need 

2. If I want to quit smoking, then I will 

3. If I want more financial security, then I need 

4. If I want my startup idea to be successful, then it should start with a great product or service, a well-designed business model, and excellent management. These four elements are the building blocks of any venture so make sure they’re not forgotten in your plan.

5. The final step is to take your goal and outline what success looks like for you daily

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