How to Quickly Regain Your Lost Self-Confidence


No matter how much we love our work and the people around us, it’s normal to experience feelings of self-doubt and insecurity on occasion and even more so when you’re going through major life changes like starting a new job or changing careers entirely. If you find yourself struggling with self-confidence, don’t feel bad about it. Here are some ways to quickly regain your lost self-confidence and get back to doing the amazing things you do every day.


When you are feeling doubtful, say these affirmations out loud: I am confident in my abilities. I am living a healthy life and following a healthy lifestyle. I am ready for anything that comes my way. Repeat this process until you feel more confident about yourself. Say the affirmation with as much passion as possible. If you don’t believe it, the affirmation will not work. One of the most important parts of this process is being patient with yourself. With time and patience, your confidence will return to its rightful place in your heart and mind.


Try meditating. Learn how to relax and clear your mind, focus on your breathing, or visualize yourself in a serene place. Find the time every day (even just a few minutes) and do it. It can have a huge effect on your self-confidence. You’ll find that you’re much more in control of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Meditation is an exercise for the brain that creates health benefits like better memory, less stress and anxiety, improved moods and sleep quality, increased creativity and problem-solving skills, increased attention span – the list goes on. All you need is a quiet space for 5-10 minutes each day.

Think Positive Thoughts

To quickly get a boost in your self-confidence, take some time to think positive thoughts. Remind yourself of your abilities and all the great things you do. Recognize that everyone has setbacks and failures in life and by focusing on the positives, you’ll find ways to move forward. Spend more time with people who make you feel good about yourself and spend less time with those who don’t. Surrounding yourself with positivity will help promote a more positive outlook on life and increase your sense of self-worth. Take Responsibility: We are constantly living our lives under the expectations we place on ourselves. However, many times these expectations can be out of our control which leaves us feeling stressed out when things don’t go as planned.

Accept Yourself

We all know that confidence is paramount when it comes to success. You might have heard this a million times, but it’s true. If you think you can’t do something, then you won’t and that’s the bottom line. However, life isn’t always easy. Many things can shake your self-confidence and make you question everything from who you are as a person to what you’re worth in society. In these cases, it’s time for a quick fix. I recommend giving yourself a break. Take some time to relax and not put any pressure on yourself at all. If there’s an event coming up where you need to be confident, don’t worry about it yet. Instead, spend some quality time with yourself or friends (who will help build your self-esteem). Start by focusing on the good qualities about yourself – why not list 10 things that you love about yourself?

Take Baby Steps

Start by reducing the amount of time you spend on social media. Now, I know that seems counterintuitive because social media is an escape for most people, but it’s better for you in the long run. Spend your time instead doing things that make you feel good about yourself. For example, if you love being around animals, volunteering at a shelter, or just hanging out with your pet. If you like art and creativity, get involved with one of your favorite activities or try something new.

Look in the Mirror Often

Start by taking care of your appearance. Brush your teeth, floss, comb or brush your hair, and put on deodorant before leaving the house. You may not be able to change anything about the way you look at work, but if you’re confident about how you look in the morning when you start a new day’s journey then that will get you on a better track. Feeling good about yourself will make it easier for other people to like and respect you as well. Plus, doing these things is just good hygiene anyway. Put on Your Favorite Clothes: Now that you’ve taken care of your hygiene, it’s time to turn your attention inward. Wear clothes that are flattering for your body type and pick an outfit with colors that make you feel confident and comfortable.

Ask for Help

One of the first steps in regaining your lost self-confidence is reaching out for help. All you need to do is admit that you need some help and ask for it. And remember, asking for help does not make you weak or less than capable.

Get Therapy: When one realizes they need therapy, a therapist can often provide the necessary treatment to regain their lost self-confidence, get through life difficulties and break negative cycles. Stay Mentally

Avoid Naysayers

Many people will try to talk you out of your new venture, often by saying that your idea is not going to work or that you don’t have what it takes. Try not to be swayed by these comments and recognize them for what they are – the opinions of people who may know less about your business than you do. Instead, focus on those who are supporting and encouraging you, as they are providing a necessary balance in the self-doubt that can creep in when faced with potential failure.

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