Why we should all pay attention to these newsmakers


News about famous people is a good topic to read about. What happens to them interests many readers. You can be friends with people and get their news in a different way than others. It depends on your character. Some people are interested in such kind of newsmakers – in reading or watching it they get maybe even a sense of connection with people they do not know personally but have personalities they like.

Why we should all pay attention to the news 

We all know that the news can be a powerful tool. It can inform us about important events around the world and help us stay up to date on what’s happening. But the news can also have a big impact on our lives. That’s why we should all pay attention to these five newsmakers. These are people who are making a significant impact on our world, both good and bad. By keeping an eye on what they’re doing, we can better understand what’s happening in our world and make better decisions accordingly.

What is happening in the world that we should know about? 

In a world where news is more accessible than ever, it’s important to pay attention to the newsmakers and influencers who are shaping our world. These newsmakers are having an unprecedented impact on global affairs and we must pay attention to their messages. First, there’s Pope Francis. His papacy has seen him take on social issues like poverty, immigration, and climate change, as well as engage with other faiths in an unprecedented way. His global message of peace and unity is something that everyone should be paying attention to. Second, the political leaders of China and the United States–Xi Jinping and Donald Trump–have been making headlines since they took office. Their decisions have had a ripple effect throughout the world economy and their words have been closely monitored by people around the globe.


Former president Barack Obama has become one of the most influential figures in politics since leaving office in 2022. He has become a global leader on issues such as climate change, healthcare reform, and racial justice. As he continues to speak out on these issues, his voice becomes even more important to listen to. Fourth, tech moguls such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Ma of Alibaba have become two of the most powerful businesspeople in the world today. Their companies are changing how people communicate and do business across borders and their influence is only growing. Finally, Bill Gates is one of the most influential philanthropists in history. His foundation has done much to improve healthcare access across the world and his work has helped millions of people receive the medical treatment they wouldn’t otherwise have had access to.

Why these newsmakers are important 

The news is important. It keeps us informed about what’s going on in the world and helps us make sense of the events that shape our lives. But with the 24-hour news cycle, it can be hard to keep up. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of five newsmakers who you should pay attention to in 2019. Xi Jinping – The Chinese president is one of the most powerful leaders in the world, and he’ll be in the spotlight this year as China continues to grow in influence.

Vladimir Putin – The Russian president is always a key figure on the international stage, and this year will be no different as he looks to consolidate power and extend Russia’s reach. Kim Jong-un – The North Korean leader has been making headlines recently with his nuclear brinkmanship, and he’ll continue to be a major player on the world stage in 2019. Theresa May – The British prime minister is facing an uphill battle this year as she tries to negotiate Brexit, and her every move will be closely watched.

What can we do about the things happening in the world? 

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, it can be easy to tune out the news. However, some stories are worth paying attention to. Here are five newsmakers that you should keep an eye on in the coming months: The U.S. Presidential Election: This is arguably the most important story of the year. The election will have a huge impact on both domestic and international affairs. Make sure to stay informed about the candidates and their policies. The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Over four million Syrians have fled their homes since the start of the conflict in 2011. This has created a massive humanitarian crisis that is only getting worse. Pay attention to the stories of individual refugees and what organizations are doing to help them.

Climate Change: Scientists have been warning us for years that climate change is a real and present danger. 2016 was one of the hottest years on record, and 2017 is shaping up to be even hotter. Watch for stories about how climate change is affecting our planet and what we can do to mitigate its effects. Fake News: In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever for fake news to spread like wildfire. Be skeptical of what you read online and take the time to fact-check before sharing anything.


There are just a few of the reasons why it’s important to stay up to date on current events. By being informed, you can make better decisions, have more thoughtful discussions, and be a more engaged citizen. So make an effort to read the news every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Your future self will thank you.

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