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Wearable technology in Medical Field

Wearable technology in Medical Field

Wearable technology has been introduced in the medical field in recent years and has shown great promise. One example is the development of a wearable patch that can monitor a patient’s vital signs and provide real-time feedback to the medical team. The patch is placed on the chest and is connected to a smartphone or tablet. The app then displays the patient’s vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure, and provides alerts if there are any changes.

What is Wearable Technology

The combination of wearable technology and health tracking is becoming increasingly popular. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is how it can help people monitor their health. This is especially important for people with chronic conditions or at risk of developing them. This technology can help track vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure. It can also be used to monitor other health indicators, such as sleep patterns and physical activity levels.

Wearable technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in society. The medical field is certainly no exception. The potential benefits of this technology in the medical field are significant. The ability to monitor patients’ vital signs remotely, for example, could potentially save lives.

Wearable Fitness Trackers

The medical industry, including insurers, providers, and technology companies, have been influenced to develop more wearable devices, such as Fitbits, smartwatches, and wearable monitors, as a result of the development of this technology and the rising demand from consumers to take charge of their own health.

Wristbands with sensors to monitor the user’s physical activity and heart rate are among the simplest and most inventive examples of this technology, or wearable fitness trackers. By connecting to numerous smartphone applications, they provide wearers tips for their health and exercise.

Wearable ECG Monitors

The capacity to measure electrocardiograms, or ECGs, is what distinguishes wearable ECG monitors from some smartwatches as the bleeding edge of consumer electronics. According to Business Insider, Withings’ Move ECG wearable won best wearable at the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show.

The Move ECG can take an electrocardiogram, diagnose atrial fibrillation, and email the results to the user’s physician. Along with automated monitoring for walking, running, swimming, and bicycling, it is also capable of measuring pace, distance, and elevation.

Advances in Wearable technology medical devices 

The market for wearable healthcare technology is expanding, and as it matures, more of this technology will be available to US consumers and companies. The number of users of health and fitness apps will remain at over 84 million until 2022, according to an Insider Intelligence study.

The choice of insurers, healthcare organizations, and businesses to take advantage of the advantages of wearable health monitoring devices will be influenced by this increasing trend in wearable fitness technology.

By employing wearables to raise customer life value, insurers may reduce the rising cost per patient. According to 75% of users, this technology encourages behaviour that decreases hospital admissions and readmissions brought on by poorly managed personal health.


There’s a lot of this technology in the medical field. You’ve probably heard of Fitbit and other similar devices. These devices track your steps, heart rate, and other things. Some hospitals are even using them to track their patients’ vital signs.

Technology has advanced to the point where wearable devices are becoming more and more common. These devices have a wide range of applications, from fitness trackers to medical devices. One area where this is starting to have a major impact is the medical field.

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