Different Types of Alzheimer’s tests for Early Detection

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Let’s see the different types of Alzheimer’s tests for early detection for Alzheimer’s is a disease that robs millions of individuals each year of their memories, their personalities, and the ability to complete daily activities. The illness can greatly affect the quality of life of every sufferer as well as those individuals around him, most especially immediate family members. 

For a long time, most individuals believe that there is nothing that could be done to prevent this terrible disease. People came to accept it as an effect of deteriorating mental abilities due to age. It was considered just something that people had to cope with when closing their golden years of life. But doctors today have discovered and now consider Alzheimer’s as a condition that can be treated up to a particular extent. 

The hallmark sign associated with Alzheimer’s illness is the gradual loss of memory, particularly in people 65 years and older. Although memory loss is a sign of the said disease, it should also be mentioned that there are other signs that may also point to the onset of this ailment. Before coming up with your own decisions, it is best to know more about Alzheimer’s through its exhibited signs, how it can be diagnosed and how it will ultimately affect the sufferer.

Alzheimer’s tests 

Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can be done through a series of Alzheimer’s tests. The patient showing some signs of the disease must undergo a variety of laboratory Alzheimer’s tests, such as physical and mental examinations. As of late, there is no known single test known that will effectively diagnose Alzheimer’s in patients. 

But with recent developments and advancements in the medical field, doctors have been able to create a set of Alzheimer’s disease testing tools that can help in effectively detect symptoms of the condition in its earlier stages. 

As of yet, there is no single model Alzheimer’s test that is able to determine if one has Alzheimer’s disease. But it is really a battery of testing that is available that makes it possible for doctors to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease with about 90 per cent accuracy. Such a battery of Alzheimer’s tests can take anywhere from one day to several weeks in order to guarantee accuracy and the proper diagnosis.

Among the different tests available there is one set of tests that have recently been developed that will additionally help make diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease easier. A professor of psychology at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, has invented a new tool for testing called the Seven Minute Screen that can test someone for the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease as well as other forms of dementia. 

The said test, invented by Paul Solomon, is actually a set of four tests that can be administered to patients in just less than ten minutes and can also be conducted on an average of just seven minutes and forty-three seconds. What makes the said test even more fortunate is that it can be administered by any medical expert with just over an hour of basic training

The short time that it takes for completing the whole test is an attractive choice for doctors who may not have the extra time when they are diagnosing patients with Alzheimer’s

This type of Alzheimer’s test is just a part of a much larger effort by medical experimenters to develop better ways of detecting Alzheimer’s early. A possible option that some medical researchers are trying to look into is the use of brain scanning technology such as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI to identify even the smallest damage to the brain before any impairment in cognitive ability ever shows up in individuals likely to develop Alzheimer’s. 

Other Different Psychology Alzheimer’s tests 

Psychologists are searching for tests that can identify Alzheimer’s illness even before symptoms occur.

Psychologists have also determined different promising tests:

Paired-associate learning Alzheimer’s tests 

In these Alzheimer’s tests, individuals try to remember related pairs of words and unrelated pairs of words. For most people, it’s easier to remember the related word pairs they have learned before. But individuals destined to develop Alzheimer’s disease don’t do any better when the words are related than when they’re not, according to results from the Longitudinal Aging Study

Perceptual identification task

Individuals undergoing this test read words aloud as they occur briefly on a computer screen. Experimenters repeat some words to test for “priming,” a sense of closeness that should allow test-takers to read those words faster. Priming doesn’t help individuals at high risk of developing Alzheimer’s, the Amsterdam researchers found. That’s a sign & symptom that these individuals aren’t learning as well as they should. 

Visual association Alzheimer’s tests 

In these Alzheimer’s tests, people try to remember line drawings that have been illogically paired with other objects. A poor version of this test indicates problems in episodic memory, according to Amsterdam researchers. 

Dichotic listening task

These Alzheimer’s tests involve listening to information through headphones, with one stream of information going to the left ear and a distinct stream going to the right ear. People with early dementia do a better job of remembering facts presented to the right ear, according to a study from Washington University’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. The right ear is the default way of processing information. As dementia progresses, the medical researchers say, individuals, have a harder time overriding the typical pathway and switching their attention to their left ears. As a consequence, the test is a good early-warning sign for Alzheimer’s.

Psychologists are also resolving that Alzheimer’s tests aren’t as effective at predicting Alzheimer’s disease.

Other possible approaches for Alzheimer’s tests being studied involve looking for gene abnormalities in patients that have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

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