Google Search Engine Algorithm Updates You Need to Know About

Google Search Engine

Google’s famous algorithm updates are the latest craze in the search engine optimization (SEO) community, due to their unpredictability and frequency. If you’re not familiar with what makes Google’s algorithm work or how it can affect your website, these updates are important to know about and understand, as they can seriously impact your website traffic and rankings over time. Here’s everything you need to know about Google Search Engine Algorithm Updates and how they affect you and your website.

How does the algorithm work?

The Google search Engine algorithm is a complex system that takes into account more than 200 factors when determining which websites should rank first in the search results. While we don’t know the exact recipe for the perfect Google ranking, we do know that quality content, backlinks, and a strong website are key ingredients.

Here are some recent algorithm updates that you need to be aware of:

1. The mobile-first indexing rollout began in March 2018 and is now being rolled out to all websites. This means that Google will now primarily use the mobile version of your website to determine your rankings.

2. The medic update was released in August 2018 and affected websites in the medical and health industries. It caused sites with misleading or inaccurate information to drop in Google’s search rankings.

3. In December 2018, the Knowledge Graph rollout started affecting searches from both desktop and mobile devices. Knowledge Graph is an extension of Google’s Knowledge Vault database, which stores structured data about people, places, events, and things (such as celebrities or food).

Webmaster guidelines

Google has released several algorithm updates over the years, with the most recent being the Medic update. Google’s Webmaster Guidelines are a set of best practices that webmasters should follow to ensure their site is optimally visible in Google search results. Some of these guidelines include: creating unique and relevant content, using keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and making sure your site is mobile-friendly. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your website ranks high on Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs). For example, if you create a page with relevant content but do not include keywords in the title or description, then chances are it will not rank well on SERPs. However, if you create a page that includes keywords in the title and description, it will have more chance of ranking higher than other sites which don’t have them.

Examples of previous updates

In 2015, Google Search Engine updated its algorithm to give preference to mobile-friendly websites. This was a major update that caused many non-mobile-friendly websites to lose traffic. In 2016, Google updated its algorithm again, this time giving preference to websites that load quickly. This update caused many slow-loading websites to lose traffic. In 2017, Google updated its algorithm yet again, this time giving preference to websites with fresh content. This update caused many static websites to lose traffic. The updates mentioned in the blog post were made by Google in the past three years. The blog post ends here.

Panda 4.2 Update

The Panda 4.2 update is the latest version of Google’s search engine algorithm. This version was released on July 18, 2015, and it is a minor update that only affects a small number of queries. The main purpose of this update is to continue the fight against low-quality content. This means that if you have a website with a lot of thin or duplicate content, you may see your rankings drop on Google.

 Penguin 3.0 Update

Google released Penguin 3.0 on October 17, 2014, more than a year and a half after the last Penguin update. This update is significant because it’s the first time that Penguin has been updated in real-time. That means that when Google detects new spammy links or sites, it can take action much faster than before. Google also said that this update is more granular, meaning that it will affect fewer sites overall. According to Google, this change helps ensure that high-quality sites rank higher than low-quality sites. The initial release of this update was limited to English language queries but they hope to roll out these changes internationally soon.

 Mobile-Friendly Update (Mobilegeddon)

In 2015, Google released an update called Mobilegeddon which favoured mobile-friendly websites in the search results. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, it is likely that you will rank lower in the search results. To make sure your website is mobile-friendly, you can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

– RankBrain (three sentences): RankBrain is an artificial intelligence system that helps Google interpret searches and provide the best results. It was introduced in April of 2015 and has since had a significant impact on how Google interprets searches. For example, when a user types Easter Bunny photos into their browser, they are presented with relevant pictures of the Easter Bunny rather than just receiving a list of results related to the Easter Bunny. The more people who use RankBrain, the better it becomes at understanding natural language queries like this one.

Make use of author rank

AuthorRank is a Google Search Engine algorithm that ranks the search results based on the author’s authority. The higher your AuthorRank, the more likely your articles are to show up in search results. There are a few things you can do to improve your AuthorRank, such as:

-Write high-quality content

-Get other people to link to your articles

-Be an active member of the online community

By following these simple tips, you can improve your AuthorRank and get your articles seen by more people.


Invest in Social Signals

Google has made it clear that social signals are important. And not just any social signals, but high-quality signals from a variety of sources. This means that if you want your website to rank well, you need to make sure you’re getting social signals from a variety of sources. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re getting the social signals you need:

1. Create great content that people will want to share.

2. Make it easy for people to share your content by adding share buttons to your website or blog.

3. Promote your content on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

4. Encourage other websites and blogs to link to your content.

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